What Business Owners should Know about ACRA Late Filing Penalty?

ACRA Late Filing Penalty

5 minutes As a business owner, understanding the implications of ACRA late filing penalties is crucial for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of your operations. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of ACRA and shed light on various aspects of late filing penalties.

Singapore Tax System for Companies: what do you need to know?

Singapore Tax System

4 minutes From the single-tier tax system to low tax rates and exemptions on capital gains and foreign-sourced income, Singapore offers an attractive environment for both local and foreign investors. This guide explores corporate tax rates, individual income tax scales, and the various taxes contributing to the country’s revenue.

Is the ACRA Singapore BizFile+ Portal Useful for Business Owners?

acra singapore bizfile

4 minutes Navigating the intricacies of business operations involves significant administrative work, especially in a highly-regulated environment like Singapore. For business owners, staying compliant with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is a crucial aspect of their responsibilities. 

Step-By-Step Guide on how to Start a Home Based Business in Singapore

how to start a home based business in singapore

5 minutes As the entrepreneurship landscape evolves, the prospect of running a business from the comfort of your home has gained unprecedented traction. This step-by-step guide is crafted to be your compass, navigating you through the intricacies of how to start a home based business in Singapore with precision and clarity.

Understanding The Progressive Wage Credit Scheme (PWCS) In Singapore For Business Owners

progressive wage credit scheme

5 minutes The Progressive Wage Credit Scheme, Singapore (PWCS) incentivizes businesses to raise the wages of their low-wage workers while boosting productivity. Understanding PWCS is vital for business owners, impacting compliance, growth, and corporate social responsibility. This article will explore PWCS, its eligibility, and how business owners can leverage it for financial and social benefits.

Importance of Singapore ECI Filling (Estimated Chargeable Income) for Singapore Businesses

Singapore Eci Filing

4 minutes Singapore’s business-friendly approach underscores accurate financial reporting and tax duties. A key focus for all Singapore businesses, irrespective of size, is filing Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI). In this guide, we explore the importance of Singapore ECI filing, filing requirements, timing, procedures, benefits for small enterprises, exemptions, and how Premia TNC’s tax services can support your compliance..

Useful Tips On How To Set Up Singapore Registrable Controller Easily

singapore registrable controller

4 minutes This article will delve into the intricacies of Singapore’s Register of Registrable Controllers (RORC) – an integral part of corporate governance that every business owner, CEO, and manager should be well-versed in. It will explain how to set up a Register of Singapore Registrable Controller and offer useful tips to easily navigate this process.

Incorporation of Singapore Company: 9+ Important Things To Do

incorporation of singapore company

5 minutes Starting a company is an exciting journey, but the work doesn’t stop with the registration process. As you embark on a new chapter after the incorporation of Singapore company, there are crucial steps you need to take to ensure a smooth and successful operation.