Trademark Registration

General Information of Trademark:

A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the service and goods of one trader from those of others. Typically, a trademark can be any combination from words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colours, sounds, smells, the shape of the goods or their packaging. A sign must be capable of being represented graphically in order for it to be registered as a trademark.

Even though the company name and business name registration at the Companies Registry and Inland Revenue Department, but not an indication of trademark rights. Trademark registration is under Trade Marks Registry and is a guarantee of trademark rights registered in Hong Kong.

If there are no deficiencies in the application and no objections to the trademark, it will take the whole procedure as little as 6 months from receipt of an application of registration.

Please contact us for more information.

Online Search Preliminary & Advice Available
Number of Class of Goods and Services 45
General classification under the 2021 version of the 11th edition of the Nice Classification by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Processing Time 6 months
Registration Duration 10 years from filing date

Documents for Trademark Registration:

  1. Application form
  2. ID card/ passport copy (if the application is an individual) or Certificate of Incorporation (or equivalent, if the applicant is a corporate)
  3. Address proof of the applicant
  4. Image of trademark
  5. The specification of the product or service

Before submitting the registration application with IPD, the applicant can obtain the search service and preliminary advice from the Department, and it is likely to tell you whether the trademark registration will be accepted or not. 

For the search service, IPD will search the records of a current registered trademark and tell you if there are any identical or similar trademarks on the register.

For preliminary advice, IPD will share their advice if the proposed trademark is sufficient distinctive or any other type of objection against on proposed trademark.

Convention Priority

The applicant will have priority to file the trademark registration in the designated country at any time during the six-month priority period once success to register the trademark with IPD.

Similarly, the applicant has filed the trademark registration in other countries and will have priority to file the trademark registration in Hong Kong at any time during the six-month priority period.

Although the applicant can be filing the registration with priority, and it is suggested to submit the applicant with priority as early as possible. Once the filing date is over six months, the applicant will lose the claim to priority.

FAQs for Hong Kong Trademark Registration


No. The trademark registration is not restricted to words only. It can register the trademark in shape, colour(s) and sound as well. The applicant shall provide the details of the description for registering.


No. If the trade mark is not registered yet, you cannot out ® symbol with trademark. However, you can put ™ symbol.