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Why Should Korean Companies Host Marketing Events for Students?

Hosting Marketing Events for Students | Read More

When we mention the top 5 developed countries worldwide, South Korea makes the List. It is a country rich in culture, and over the last two decades, it has raised several investors who have become giants in the global market. A few of them include Samsung, Hyundai, and KT. In short, we can say the country has built itself to meet all business needs.
Let’s say a company is interested in the business infrastructure Korea has to provide; what exactly does it need to know?
Encouraging marketing events is definitely a given. Korea is the second-ranked destination for global events (such as corporate conventions and marketing conferences) by the 2021 UIA Global Meetings Statistics. It is the best environment for hosting extracurricular activities to help promote a company and ensure it meets target customers in no time. However, every event is designed based on a CEO’s or a company’s goals.
At Premia TNC, we are a professional consulting and tax accounting firm ready to help you figure out the next bold move for your business. In this article, you will find out the different types of marketing events you should host if you set up your organization in Korea and the valid reasons you should.

Types of Marketing Events in Korea

After reviewing companies in Korea, we discovered that there are only four major types of marketing events (considered extracurricular activities) for students. They include:

1. Supporters

The popular type of marketing event hosted by Korean companies is one involving supporters. Some companies like KT, Hyundai, and Samsung understand the power of supporters (or users) and consistently look for means to have them give recommendations on the use of services. For instance, Samsung hosts events with students to get their creative ideas which can be used as a strategy to promote their products and services.
They also scout for student ambassadors who would constantly communicate with them and suggest new ideas based on demand. Likewise, these brands leverage their relationship with university students to plan social media and blog posts or marketing campaigns following their ideas. In return, they offer students benefits like certifications, prize money, and other rewards, including internship opportunities.

2. Reporters

Another marketing activity a few companies in Korea embrace is consumer reporting. Like supporters, these brands find university students willing and ready to write articles for the company. They ask these students to research their products and services, especially how the public perceives them, and create content to upload on blogs or websites. Students hired as reporters, however, must have undergone a level of journalistic training so that they can provide articles that will be in favor of the organization – not against it. Likewise, student reporters are offered rewards for their hard work and contribution.

3. Contest

There is nothing better than the healthy competition when promoting a business. In this case, some companies offer people, mostly students, a chance to showcase their talents and creativity. They set up competitions around visual arts (such as video graphics and poster designs) and entrepreneurial prowess (the student with the best business ideas). These contests are carefully designed to challenge students to bring out their unique ideas that will benefit the company. And like every known contest, the participant(s) with the best innovative design or brightest idea for a brand’s growth and development is/are rewarded.

4. Volunteer Membership

Volunteer Membership is another way companies promote themselves. They partner with schools to set extracurricular activities revolving around volunteering. These activities could involve working with the brand directly or empowering students with essential skills. For instance, Korean institutions have requested students to fulfil compulsory volunteer time from a relative in public service. This initiative sets youngsters up for the labor market, helping them discover their potential and career paths. In turn, the school and society recognize the companies sponsoring such volunteer membership activities.

Why Should Korean Companies Do Extracurricular Activities?

If you’ve ever wondered why organizations set up in South Korea should prioritize marketing hosting or extracurricular activities, here are some benefits:

• Brand Awareness and Networking

Marketing events give room for brand awareness and networking. It allows companies to extend their reach within and beyond the country. The more familiar they become with their audience, the larger their impact spread. Now, by setting up activities, they have something to reference, even if they are oblivious to the marketing efforts done by the entire team.
More so, event hosting in Korea ensures proper networking. It gives creatives a chance to meet one another and work closely for a common goal. Imagine an event sponsored by a company allowing creatives to brainstorm an idea for promoting a product or service; such a relationship doesn’t just end there. In the future, you’ll find team members introducing themselves to other projects.

• Community Support and Contribution

Businesses grow under/in a thriving community. That means when an organization sets up, the influence of such a business should be felt in the location. Hosting marketing events or extracurricular activities for students within the region is just a brilliant start. People living in such communities will be interested in having their kids enrol in programs sponsored by these companies. This community support and contribution is always a good advantage to businesses.

• Builds Trustworthiness

Brands that stay the longest are those that are trustworthy. Every organization is trying to set a legacy and put their names on the lips of everyone. Investing in extracurricular programs for college and university students can help achieve that because more people become socially and consciously aware of them. As such, doing business with such a brand won’t be difficult.


At Premia TNC, we host marketing events for supporters, reporters, and business idea contests regularly. Our strategies are designed to help domestic and international investors to promote their businesses in a competitive market through extracurricular activities for high school or college/uni students is easier. We have other extensive services targeted to meeting clients’ needs.